Esther Appiah ’21, who will receive her B.A. from Trinity College on May 21, 将于2022年1月通过富布赖特英语助教(ETA)计划前往Côte科特迪瓦. ETA项目安排富布赖特奖助金获得者到外国的教室里为当地英语教师提供帮助,同时担任美国的文化大使.

Appiah is an International Studies major with a concentration in African Studies and a Religious Studies minor, specializing in African religions. 她参与了非洲学生协会(TASA)和Do Shakara, the African dance team, during her time at Trinity. “I’m all about Africa; my goal is to visit all 54 countries in the continent. 多亏了Trinity,我已经去过6个了。”来自加纳的阿皮亚说. “我对非洲的热爱和改变的愿望是如此真实,因为我不得不离开这里寻找我在这里拥有的机会, 所以我想提供这些机会,而不需要学生离开家去接受优质的教育.”

Esther Appiah ’21 Fulbright

Equitable education is one of Appiah’s passions. 她喜欢教孩子,并确保每个学生都能接受适当的教育, no matter where they are from. “In the summer before my sophomore year, 我在俄亥俄州的一个名为“突破辛辛那提”的组织里教中学生,” she said. “我们学会了如何识别学生的应对机制和某些行为. 这是一个针对辛辛那提弱势社区孩子们的暑期项目, 那段经历影响了我大学毕业后想做的长期工作.”

Following that experience, 阿皮亚在南非教六年级英语,她的项目名为“一心之源”. 在她大三的秋天,她在加纳大学学习. 然后在她大三的春天,她在塞内加尔学习. “这是我第一次和寄宿家庭住在一起,他们不会说话 any English… and I didn’t speak any French,” Appiah said. “不过这很棒——我上了法语课,我的法语教授对我们很关心,也很有耐心. It was the same with my other professor, Mareme Ngom, who taught Senegalese society and culture; she was so incredible.”

阿皮亚对竞争激烈的富布赖特项目很感兴趣, 但她不确定自己是否能获得一笔拨款. “我一直觉得它很有声望,遥不可及,但是 Mariyann Soulemane [’19] inspired me,” Appiah said. “她曾经是富布赖特奖学金的获得者,她在整个申请过程中帮助了我.”

在Soulemane和全球十大网赌正规平台教职员工的帮助下,Appiah提交了申请. 六个月后,她收到了预计到达时间的通知. 阿皮亚说:“我记得那是四月的一个星期四的早晨,正在下雪——我永远不会忘记。. “I opened my application, saw ‘Congratulations!’ and I honestly thought I read it wrong. 我一直在哭,因为我以为我不会收到它,但我收到了!”

Esther Appiah ’21 Fulbright
Esther Appiah ’21

Digital Scholarship Coordinator Mary Mahoney, one of Appiah’s past Trinity instructors, was thrilled to hear that Appiah received the ETA grant. “她是同学们的坚定倡导者和支持者,为了他人的利益,她非常开放地分享自己的经历,” Mahoney said. “These traits, in addition to her intelligence and curiosity, will make her a great instructor abroad.”

人类学和宗教研究助理教授 Timothy Landry agreed. “能够回到西非,在Côte科特迪瓦教学生英语,是埃斯特的专注和动力的顶峰,” Landry said. “很明显,埃斯特不仅会帮助科特迪瓦学生学习英语, 但她也会带来她在全球十大网赌正规平台课堂上学到的批判性思维技能和对人类差异的欣赏. I couldn’t be prouder of what she’s already accomplished. 她的伟大之处与日俱增,并激励着她周围的人变得更好, more thoughtful people.”

安妮·伦德伯格(Anne Lundberg)是美国富布赖特基金会的奖学金主任和顾问.S. Student Program at Trinity, added, “以斯帖的教学经验使她成为强有力的候选人, her study abroad experiences in Ghana and Senegal, 以及她对种族和跨文化教育的兴趣. 我知道她一直是非洲学生协会和国际之家的领导者. She speaks Akan and French, along with English, 并将在像Côte科特迪瓦这样的多语言国家蓬勃发展. 简而言之,埃丝特符合富布赖特作为美国文化大使的形象.S. perfectly.”

阿皮亚说,她的最终职业目标是建立一个专注于恢复性教育的学校系统, healing trauma, mindfulness, 教学生如何识别和协调他们的触发因素. “撒哈拉以南非洲地区的学生没有太多治疗创伤的机会, community building, and college readiness. 我希望在非洲大陆推出更多这样的项目。.

“The solutions are so easy; it’s all about listening and giving students the right tools to take on whatever issues they’re facing,” Appiah added. “It’ll be very village-focused, 进入每个国家被剥夺公民权的社区,鼓励父母帮助他们的孩子为进入非洲大陆的大学做好准备,为他们提供无论去哪里都能取得成功所需的工具.”

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program is the largest U.S. 交流计划为学生和年轻专业人员提供国际研究生学习的机会, advanced research, university teaching, and primary and secondary school teaching worldwide. The program currently awards approximately 2,每年在所有研究领域提供5000笔赠款,并在全球140多个国家开展业务.


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