全球十大网赌正规平台的学生 一月学期课程 这个冬天,我在计算机实验室参加了各种各样的课题, 在户外, 甚至在遥远的星系, 很远的地方.

A hike for the ‘新英格兰的冬天’ J-Term course brought students up Higby Mountain near Middlefield, 康涅狄格. 摄影:Christoph角膜.

The 2023 J-Term allowed Trinity students to enroll in one course for a three-week term. About 20 courses from across the college’s departments appealed to a broad range of interests, 和 allowed for an intensity of focus not often possible in the midst of a busy semester.

“Students take one class—either a half or a full credit—和 devote their time to that class with no scheduling conflicts,物理学和环境科学教授说 Christoph角膜, whose “新英格兰的冬天” course included half-day 和 day-long hikes. “That’s the strength of J-Term; you do things you could never do during the semester.”


One of several new J-Term offerings this year was “《星球大战:人类学之旅,” taught by Associate Professor of Anthropology 和 Religious Studies 蒂莫西·R. 兰德里. “这就像人类学101课程, but using ‘Star Wars’ as a veneer to talk about themes like power, 性别, 男子气概, 女性气质, 宗教, 和魔法,兰德里说.

星球大战unsplash库存图像The course included written film analyses of the original movie trilogy—“A New Hope,“帝国反击战。,” 和 “Return of the Jedi”—along with academic readings 和 class discussions about the politics, 哲学, 以及催生“星球大战”宇宙的历史. The course was taught remotely via Zoom, so students could attend from anyw在这里.

“Students consider the role that Buddhism played in the way that creator George Lucas imaged the Jedi; they contemplate the Empire as an allegory for fascism; 和 even think about what ‘Star Wars’ might reveal about the major social issues for our time, 包括种族歧视, 白色的民族主义, 殖民, 宗教战争,兰德里说. “It’s actually quite to the point with contemporary American politics. It can be easier to talk about these things through ‘Star Wars,所以我们可以有更复杂的, critical conversations about fascism 和 politics without it feeling personal.”

这是他的课程目标之一, 兰德里 said that he wanted students to develop a critical underst和ing of power. “I also want to get students to think that pop culture matters, 它不应该被视为不严肃,他说. “It reflects our own social 和 cultural values, 和 helps us to engage with challenging topics.”

T在这里 was so much interest in this course that 兰德里 plans to teach it again during a 暑期班.


The “分析和沟通财务数据” J-Term course is designed to help students identify, 组织, 策略性地分析数据, with a focus on data sources relevant to financial activity. This year marked the sixth time the course was taught by Cheryl Cape, 高级教学设计师, 和 克里斯托弗的Hoag——乔治·M. 费里斯公司财务与投资教授.

The ‘分析和沟通财务数据’ J-Term course met in the Financial Research 和 Technology Center, 也叫彭博实验室. 摄影:Helder Mira.

The class met in the Financial Research 和 Technology Center (也叫彭博实验室) in Trinity’s Raether Library & 资讯科技中心, w在这里 students used Bloomberg Professional Services workstations, which provide real-time 和 historical data for business 和 finance news, 分析工具, 和研究.

“We look at stock data, work a lot in Excel, 和 build quantitative skills,” Cape said. “最后的项目就是我们所说的‘事件研究’.’ It’s a common technique in finance w在这里 you look at an event—a news release from a company, 自然灾害, a tweet—和 you see if it has an impact on a stock of one company or multiple companies. 学生选择一个事件,做一个分析,并提出它. The 演讲 lead to rich discussions, 和 students are intrigued with doing these deep dives. As you’re looking at a chart or a graph, it’s fun to see what the numbers tell you.”

Hoag added, “Rather than focusing on theory, this is more of a laboratory course. The students learn about Bloomberg, Excel, 定量分析, 演讲, 和 how to work with numbers 和 explain them to other people. It helps develop them as students 和 scholars, 和 the independent work teaches self-reliance.”

Learn more about the Financial Research 和 Technology Center 在这里.


给Geiss和他的学生, J-Term was the perfect opportunity to explore 康涅狄格’s famous traprock ridges, 东部阔叶林, 冰封的里加高原, 和长岛湾. 阅读和讨论补充了一系列的加息, with students assigned to investigate one of the environments in greater depth for a final paper or project.

Bluff Point ' 新英格兰的冬天 '课程
Students in the ‘新英格兰的冬天’ J-Term course explore the beach at Bluff Point State Park in Groton, 康涅狄格. 摄影:Christoph角膜.

“The idea is to take students on hikes that are related to New Engl和’s ecology 和 history,Geiss说. “Students are required to attend three of the six hikes, 和 we go out even in the rain or snow.” The first-time course also fulfilled a wellness requirement in the 三一加课程.

Before hikes at Bluff Point State Park in Groton 和 Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison, 学生们阅读并讨论有关海滩保护的内容, 海岸线侵蚀, 盐沼, 以及他们在早期殖民历史中所扮演的角色. 角膜说, “我们一路上讨论了很多不同的事情, 但重点是要去海滩, 湖泊, 冬天的群山, 当大多数学生从不去徒步旅行.”

Even in some potentially wet or cold conditions, 角膜说 that the students enjoy themselves. “I think they appreciate the fact that they’re doing something they would not normally do,他说.

本课程的目标很简单, according to Geiss: “I’d like the students to learn a little about New Engl和 as they gain an appreciation for nature, for the natural environments—和 not just learning about them from a book, 而是在户外徒步旅行. 对他们中的一些人来说,这是一次改变人生的经历.”

在下面的视频中, 和我们一起去索尔兹伯里的熊山远足吧, 康涅狄格州最高的山峰;